Stavba a odhalení pomníku presidentu osvoboditeli T. G. Masarykovi v Pardubicích
Other title(s): Construction and Unveiling of Memorial to President Liberator T. G. Masaryk in Pardubice
Genre: Documentary film
Year: 1928
Runtime: 10:41 min:sec
Description: The introduction of the documentary film about construction and unveiling of President T. G. Masaryk Memorial in Pardubice is dedicated to a view of the town's dominant feature - Třída Míru Avenue and the town theatre. The camera captured a railway regiment building a memorial to their commander in chief in cooperation with the district administrative commission and town council in the assistance of the author of the sculpture Professor Otakar Španiel who watches the course of the work along with leading commissioned officers and the sergeant of the railway regiment. The idea to honour merits of the President Liberator for the nation and the state originated within the ranks of Pardubice military garrison servicemen. The function on the occasion of unveiling the memorial is opened by the Chairman of the District Administrative Commission J. Kroužel who welcomes the patron of the event, the Ministry of Nationakl Defence František Udržal. The parade through the town is illustrated with shots of crowded streets of the town. Despite the inclement weather, the event is attended by a number of Pardubice citizens and those of the neighbourhood who observe the persistent work of the workers and the stone-cutting firm V. Zahálka. In the following part of the film we watch the inspirer of the construction of the memorial and long-time secretary of the T.G.M. Cooperative, Sergeant V. Kodet depositing a soil from war battlefields into the memorial in attendance of legionnaires. At the same time, the chairman of the Pardubice Region Sportsmen in the presence of the best athletes lays a laurel-wreath and pays tribute to President Masarykov and the Republic. Short sequences are dedicated to ceremonial speeches of Russian legions Colonel Rudolf Medek, Senator Veselý and Member of Parliament Srba. Follow shots of the protector of the event, Minister Udržala, unveiling the memorial and those of the chairman of the T.G.M. Association, Brigade Captain Ing. Jaroš, passing it into care of the town. The Mayor of Pardubice V. Znojemský accepts the memorial and on the behalf of the town thanks to everyone who participated. In the end of the film, camera captured prominent personalities that attended the event - the Minister of National Defence Udržal in the circle of the members of the committee in attendance of the first chairman Brigade Captain Mečislav Hampl, Commander of the 4th Foot Regiment, General L. Krejčí and Colonel Ing. B. Štěpánek along with the Second-in-command of the Railway Regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Ing. A. Pachta and the authors of the memorial Professor O. Španiel and Academic Architect B. Pícha.
Keywords: dokument / socha Masaryk T. G. / ateliér sochařský / lešení pomníku / stavba pomníku TGM / vojáci / firma kamenická Zahálka V. / důstojníci / davy lidí / průvod slavnostní / vlajky státní / věnec vavřínový / pomník TGM slavnostní odhalení / proslovy politiků / pomník Masaryk T. G. / sportovci / Masaryk T. G. sculpture / sculptor's studio / memorial scaffolding / construction of TGM memorial / soldiers / stone-cutting company Zahálka V. / commissioned officers / crowds of people / ceremonial parade / national flags / laurel-wreath / TGM memorial ceremonial unveiling / speeches by politicians / Masaryk T. G. memorial / sportsmen
Provider: Národní filmový archiv
Rights: In Copyright / Národní filmový archiv
Production company: Elekta-journal
Colour: Black & White
Sound: Without sound
Document type:
Collection: Český dokumentární film
Language: cs